Treatment tailored to your needs
Sports & Clinical Massage is detailed and focused. Whether you seek relaxation, pain relief, or stress reduction, we tailor each session to meet your unique needs. A variety of techniques, including Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, neuromuscular facilitation, stretching and acupressure are blended to create the most beneficial treatment for you.
Sports & Clinical massage can treat a variety of conditions:
Back Pain - neck Pain - shoulder pain - hip &pelvis pain - headaches - jaw pain - knee pain - ankle & foot pain - plantar fasciitis - nerve pain - anxiety & depression - stress - fatigue - pregnancy & postnatal aches - scars
Research suggests massage reduces pain and discomfort in two ways. By easing and reducing tension directly to the muscle and also by calming the central nervous system, allowing it to move into the parasympathetic nervous system where healing and growth are promoted.